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  • Writer's pictureLaima Sinka

Dummies Guide to Toxicity

We have all had people in our lives who at some point have proven to be completely and utterly TOXIC. These toxic people can be family members (this is the case for me), friends, partners, co workers and it is evident that toxic behaviour can really seriously affect people.

✨“It’s not you it’s me”✨

✨“I can’t do anything right”✨

✨“There’s no point even trying”✨

These are all examples of things a toxic person would say in a ploy to “play the victim”. They get you to feel sorry for them, forgive them even and you will be made to feel as if were being unreasonable and most likely to apologise for trying to start argument in the first place . Even writing this I’m feeling slightly triggered. Everyone at some point in their life has sunk to the level of self pity and victimising and we need to try and NOT do this. It’s such a toxic trait.

Toxic people are bad influences. For example one of my older siblings has been nothing but a bad influence from the word go. If you are constantly around selfish, negative, inconsiderate, and unsupportive people, then guess what? You will become selfish, negative, inconsiderate, and unsupportive to those around you. And I did become that for a long time before I realised that cutting ties was easier when I knew it was for the better good.

Another toxic trait is the ego thing. I don’t know how else to word it. The people that think the world of themselves. Wearing a crown, standing on a pedestal above everyone else, the toxic person thinks they are the best thing in the world. You can’t ever ask them for advice because somehow they will always bring the subject back to themselves. No one can be smarter, more attractive, better at what they do, and of course, they know everything. It is really sad to think how these individuals have voluntarily chosen to spend all their life in a delusion.

Just a little thing I’ll add here is a comment I’ve heard people make a million times.

“I didn’t say that.”

Four words that create an influx of a multitude of negative emotions. Immediately you are being accused of being a liar. Toxic people enjoy spinning little webs. It normally goes like this: They will say one thing during an argument or when they’re attempting to worm their way out of something and then will go back on their word later when you call them out on it. They will claim they never said that, you heard it wrong. You obviously weren’t listening. Which is yet another stupendously toxic behavioural trait.

Toxic people will always have an excuse. For everything. It will never be their fault and inevitably they have absolutely no concept of what the word ACCOUNTABLE even means. Not only that they are pathological liars. Have you ever met a person who could lie on the spot with no hesitation? You could literally watch them trip and break a lamp and they will tell you straight to your face it was already broken.

I just want whoever is reading this to know that you do NOT have to put up with this garbage-I don’t care who they are. Sister? Brother? Mother? Stand up for yourself and if you find yourself in this situation then get out as fast as you can. There are wonderful people out there who deserve your time and attention, but someone with these traits are not one of them.

xox Laima Bean

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